The direct costs of our building projects and scholarships were $43,000 in 2017.
Our work and activities in 2017 were made possible through the generous support of many.
We wish to especially thank:
· The June Canavan Foundation
· The Heller Foundation
· Hanoi based Thao Li Construction Trading and Services
· Chem-Supply employees
· Nathan & Rose Kemp.
Our work and activities in 2017 were made possible through the generous support of many.
We wish to especially thank:
· The June Canavan Foundation
· The Heller Foundation
· Hanoi based Thao Li Construction Trading and Services
· Chem-Supply employees
· Nathan & Rose Kemp.
Become a Sponsor
Registered Charity
PVI is an incorporated body registered as a charity by the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission (ACNC). ACNC monitors PVI's activities to ensure compliance with their standards through mandatory comprehensive reports.
ACNC is the Australian Governments statutory body that controls Australian charities. As a registered charity, donations over $2 within Australia to PVI are tax deductible. Being registered, PVI is able to display the ACNC tick logo below, which quickly identifies PVI as a registered charity that meets the ACNC standards. |
How you can help?
PVI operates totally on donations from generous donors, membership subscriptions, contributions from project team members and other fundraising activities. We also apply for funding grants from time to time when our projects align with the selection criteria set down by the donor organisation.
You can help to continue our work through the following ways:
Make a donation to PVI by sending a cheque to PVI’s postal address or contacting through
the email link to obtain bank details for direct transfer of funds.
Become a member of PVI – Membership subscription is for $50 per financial year ($35 for
pensioner). Members receive regular updates of PVI activities and share in the opportunity to
join a team and contribute to planning our activities.
Please download and complete the form.
Join a project team – members can join project teams that travel annually to Vietnam and
Cambodia to undertake aid projects. As well as the enjoyment of being involved in helping
less fortunate people and communities, team members enjoy friendship and camaraderie
with other team members and local partners we work with in Vietnam & Cambodia.
Find out more here.
Send completed forms and payment to:
The Secretary
Project Vietnam Inc.
PO Box 299
Golden Beach Qld 4551
or forward via Email
All donations go directly to our overseas projects. All committee members and project team members are volunteers and the costs of their activities in running the organisation, preparing and planning projects, overseas travel, accommodation & meal costs are met by the relevant members.
Being a registered charity, all donations above $2 are tax deductable.
(Secure payment via PayPal) or Contact Us on 04171414339 or email usk here to edit.
You can help to continue our work through the following ways:
Make a donation to PVI by sending a cheque to PVI’s postal address or contacting through
the email link to obtain bank details for direct transfer of funds.
Become a member of PVI – Membership subscription is for $50 per financial year ($35 for
pensioner). Members receive regular updates of PVI activities and share in the opportunity to
join a team and contribute to planning our activities.
Please download and complete the form.
Join a project team – members can join project teams that travel annually to Vietnam and
Cambodia to undertake aid projects. As well as the enjoyment of being involved in helping
less fortunate people and communities, team members enjoy friendship and camaraderie
with other team members and local partners we work with in Vietnam & Cambodia.
Find out more here.
Send completed forms and payment to:
The Secretary
Project Vietnam Inc.
PO Box 299
Golden Beach Qld 4551
or forward via Email
All donations go directly to our overseas projects. All committee members and project team members are volunteers and the costs of their activities in running the organisation, preparing and planning projects, overseas travel, accommodation & meal costs are met by the relevant members.
Being a registered charity, all donations above $2 are tax deductable.
(Secure payment via PayPal) or Contact Us on 04171414339 or email usk here to edit.
Any donations to assist our overseas aid work can be sent to bank account:
Project Vietnam Overseas Aid Account
BSB 064420
Account 10276922
Project Vietnam Overseas Aid Account
BSB 064420
Account 10276922
How do we pay for Asian Projects?
All money is raised by PVI through donations from some generous sponsors, membership subscriptions and fundraising events.
We apply for funding from time to time when projects meet specific criteria of organisations offering grants.
Volunteers pay their own travel, accommodation and food costs whilst working on projects overseas plus team members contribute $200 each towards the projects costs.
Membership subscriptions cover administrative costs and all other funds and donations are directed to aid work and activities.
Administrative tasks of running PVI are carried out voluntarily by members. Administrative costs represent less than 10% of the annual budget.
We apply for funding from time to time when projects meet specific criteria of organisations offering grants.
Volunteers pay their own travel, accommodation and food costs whilst working on projects overseas plus team members contribute $200 each towards the projects costs.
Membership subscriptions cover administrative costs and all other funds and donations are directed to aid work and activities.
Administrative tasks of running PVI are carried out voluntarily by members. Administrative costs represent less than 10% of the annual budget.
Our Members' Contributions to Aid Projects
PVI's usage of internal/external Expenses
Become a PVI Member
Join a Project Team